Lighting inspired by nature can be an original complement to many arrangements. We recommend the designer CALAMO lamp to all lovers of original lighting solutions. This light composition was handcrafted at BLACK SWAN STUDIO. Unique style goes hand in hand with versatility. Our innovative installation fits perfectly into interiors of various character. We recommend it, among others, to hotel receptions, where it will be perfect as a designer showcase of the interior.
The effective CALAMO lighting installation is distinguished by its unusual design. Small cylindrical lampshades are attached to long arms that connect to each other at the base of the ceiling. The thin arms are reminiscent of a reed thrown by the wind. However, this unconventional project is not dedicated only to arrangements inspired by nature. The designer lamp will be perfect for modern interiors. It can be combined with both metal accessories and natural wood.
- CALAMO lighting installation
Stylowo zaprezentuje się nie tylko w otoczeniu gładkich, jednokolorowych ścian, ale także na tle cegły. Ręcznie wykonana lampa CALAMO na pewno przypadnie do gustu miłośnikom ponadczasowej elegancji. Można ją również dopasować do bogato wypełnionych wnętrz w stylu glamour.
Artists-craftsmen from Black Swan Studio are able to create the most unusual lamp. The hand-made individual elements guarantee the individual character of the lighting. The CALAMO composition is an excellent choice for people who care about lighting tailored to the expectations and specificity of the interior. An individual project can be expanded in any way. The arrangement of the arms, their length and angles of inclination, or the number of light points can be modified. Thanks to this, the lamp fits into rooms of various sizes. The customer may also choose the preferred color variant. Customized lighting is the best solution to achieve a harmonious interior design. For lovers of the classics, we can make the lamp in timeless black or white. However, we also meet more unusual color expectations.
The CALAMO lighting composition has won the sympathy of many of our customers. It can be admired, among others, in the MOLO hotel in Sopot
- CALAMO lamp in the MOLO hotel in Sopot
This design will be perfect even in large rooms, such as conference rooms or hotel receptions. It is worth emphasizing, however, that designer lighting is not only dedicated to public facilities. The CALAMO lamp can also be easily adapted to private interiors. Its unconventional design can play the first fiddle in the arrangement of the living room or dining room.
- Designer lamp CALAMO
- Lamp on request CALAMO
Black Swan Studio, a manufacturer of lamps for individual orders, will gladly undertake a modern lighting installation at the client’s special request. We are able to meet even the most unusual investor expectations. Take advantage of our offer.